I am running an Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) server with zoneminder installed on it. (The reason for this has to do with a need to also run Asterisk and lack of a good installer on newer versions of Ubuntu. ZM 1.22.3 is the version installed as a package on 8.04, so I am using that)
The problem I am having is that the window listing the filters won't show up.
See bottom for fix if having similar troubles:
I would press the Filters button in the main console and the "ZM - Events" window comes up. If I then press the "Show Filter Window" button in that window, no new window pops up.
Pressing that button is apparently issuing a request to the server for the url:
This doesn't cause anything new to be displayed and certainly appears to be a request for an events listing.
If I manually enter a url like:
then I get the filters page.
So why is the main window asking for events instead of filter for that button. Sure enough, if one views the source of the main page, the url for the button requests events rather than filter.
So if I replace line 409 of zm_html_view_console.php with the following:
the button now seems to work.
Unclear to me why this hasn't been addressed before, but I thought I should post in case others run into it.
ZM 1.22.3 Filter window not working -- FIXED
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- Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:32 am