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a little lost.....

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:37 pm
by tombutcher1990
Hi guys. Sorry if this is a little stupid, but i'm a bit stuck with ZM!

i've bought one of the £20 capture cards that is recommended with ZM and i've got just a standard camera on it on channel 0 (i think). i've opened VLC player and opened it as a capture device. i get a picture through on it there, but when i try and set it up as a monitor on ZM console, i can't seem to get a picture through. the dev field just stays coloured red and there is no picture. i've been trying to tweak the settings as much as i can but to no avail.

can anybody let me know where i am going wrong please? or at least what to try next!!

i've been through the Wiki but i don't really understand enough of it. i'm fairly new to the world of linux and even more new to the world of ZM!



Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:11 pm
by bb99
Have a look at this post:

The source settings near the end should help you if not post back.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:23 am
by tombutcher1990
sorry, have now tried this but no luck. i've spent hours editing the settings, but to no avail!

Device Path /dev/video0
Capture Method video for linux version 2
Device Channel 0
Device Format PAL
Capture Palette RGB24
Capture Width (pixels) 320
Capture Height (pixels) 240
Preserve Aspect Ratio
Orientation normal

can you see anything obviously wrong with this??

i've set it to record mode, the mode goes green but the source is still red.[/img]

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:21 pm
by help40
may be you are putting other mod (Device Format) , are you sure that you camera is PAL ?
my was PAL , after playing with "xawtv" and changing the formats
I found that it is "PAL NC"

also it is working (form me) with palette YUV422

so better check your camera documentation (if it exist if not play with "xawtv" ot "tvtime" ...)

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:02 pm
by tombutcher1990
hi guys, sorry for the very slow reply but i've only just got around to continuing this project.

so, i've tried xawtv and tvtime but i can't get my camera to display on those either! with xawtv it sees /dev/video0 if i run the command xawtv -hwscan

i have found though when playing with vlc media player that it does not display the image if i try and do it with advanced settings, but it works ok if i just tell it to take the picture from /dev/video0 and tell it that its PAL

so, i'm a little bit more lost now! any thoughts?