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[SOLVED] Intellinet NSC15-WG network camera config

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:08 am
by highmighty
Hi all, I'm unable of configuring the NSC15-WG network camera with Zoneminder under Ubuntu 10.04.

Here's my camera:

Here's the "video streaming guide" provided by the manufacturer: ... tation.pdf

The installation of ZM went fine, I was already running Apache for my web server so I installed ZM in /var/www/zoneminder and I also modified the two .conf files. I am able of seeing the ZM web interface properly.

I've tried many different settings but none of them worked so far :(

What should be the proper settings for this camera (which supports HTTP/RTSP protocol and MJPEG/MPEG4 type) ?

For your information, I can access this camera via the internet with a URL in Firefox. For example: http://admin:admin@ip_address:8082/index2.htm will give me a "LIVE" feed of the camera which I would LOVE to see in Zoneminder...

Unfortunately, adding this wifi (fixed ip) camera with the "probe" feature doesn't work, it gives me an error 127, unable to probe...

So here are my current settings which gives me a "black/blank" 320x240 image only...

Source type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: admin:admin@ip_address
Remote Host Port: 8082
Remote Host Path: /index2.htm
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 320
Capture Height: 240

Is there anyone here with an Intellinet network camera like mine? Or anyone willing to help a Linux fan who'd like to stay away from Windows (cause yes, the provided Windows surveillance software works fine, records, motion detects, yada yada)

Thank you all for your time,


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:10 am
by highmighty
Please have a look at my findings regarding this camera, can someone then tell me which settings should I use for Zoneminder to work?
VGA Cameras with MPEG4/M-JPEG

These cameras support video access via HTTP as well as RTSP.

a) MPEG4 via RTSP (also VLC compatible)


Also supported are the snapshot URLs
c) http://camera_address:80/jpg/image.jpg
d) http://camera_address:80/cgi-bin/jpg/image
Should it be like this:
Source type: Remote
Remote Protocol: RTSP
Remote Method: RTP/RTSP
Remote Host Name: admin:admin@ip_address
Remote Host Port: 554
Remote Host Path: /video.mp4
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 640
Capture Height: 480
There must be something wrong in the above settings because it still doesn't work in Zoneminder BUT IT DOES WORK like a charm in VLC using this kind of address: [url]rtsp://admin:admin@ip_address:554/video.mp4[/url].

VLC is even giving me more details about the network camera stream, it's a LIVE stream broadcasted in 640x480 @ 30fps.

Thanks again for your time and support,


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:53 pm
by highmighty
Also, if it helps, using "Probe" button gives me this error message:
Unable to probe network cameras, status is '127'
Could it be that Zoneminder itself is not installed properly? How can I tell?

Thanks and regards,


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:04 am
by bb99
To get it going try:

Source type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: admin:admin@ip_address
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /video.mjpeg (or /video.cgi maybe)
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 320
Capture Height: 240

Could even change color palette to grey scale while you discover the remote host path if it's not the one listed above. Sometimes bringing up the camera in a browser and right click::properties will give you important clues as the the full path to use.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:15 am
by highmighty
Thanks bb99, I opened up the stream in a browser and it looks like the stream is located here, in this format:
And constantly refreshing this image location with F5 will give me the actual "video" stream... otherwise it's a still JPG image I'm seeing at this location.

There must be some sort of "auto-refresh" code inserted in the built-in webpage ( of the camera which "transforms" the actual still image (jpg) into a "video" (auto-refreshed jpg)...

I sure tried inserting that new location into the camera settings of Zoneminder:
Source type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: admin:admin@ip_address
Remote Host Port: 8082
Remote Host Path: /jpg/image.jpg?1283139612810
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 320
Capture Height: 240
Still doesn't work :(

This /jpg/image.jpg?1283139612810 should be the Remote Host Path, right?

And for your information, if I open up another browser instance, that special code 1283139612810 will change to a different number (per-session code?) which I can't find any logic to it, it's not related to time/date stuff and neither any codes I know of regarding this camera.

Any ideas?!

Thanks for your support,


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:34 am
by bb99
Did you try the "/video.mjpeg (or /video.cgi maybe)" path on port 80?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:24 pm
by highmighty
Yes I did try the "/video.mjpeg (or /video.cgi maybe)" path on port 80 and it still doesn't work :(

I've also tried this location in a browser (without the 13-digit code) and that one also works fine, I can see a still image and if I constantly refresh the page, it will show me some sort of "video" ... what this 13-digit code is meant for, I have no clue, it is probably needed in the provided Windows recording software?!

Please have a look at some screenshots I've taken, it might help to figure out the proper settings to put in Zoneminder:


Thanks again for your time and effort,


Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:22 am
by bb99
The number after the path "1283139612810" does't need to be included in the path but it will not stop ZM from getting the stream. Your screen shots show that the Mjpeg stream port number should be 8070 which confuses me a little because of your findings:
VGA Cameras with MPEG4/M-JPEG

These cameras support video access via HTTP as well as RTSP.

a) MPEG4 via RTSP (also VLC compatible)


Also supported are the snapshot URLs
c) http://camera_address:80/jpg/image.jpg
d) http://camera_address:80/cgi-bin/jpg/image
Try both :80 and :8070 for ports with the /video.mjpeg path after correcting the camera image size (640*480) / ZM (320*240) mismatch. I recommend changing the camera to 320*240 to match your ZM setting (and also eliminate a shared memory complication). This is probably the original cause of the config. problems. Also set ZM's frame rate and alarm frame rate to 15 fps to match the camera's output. The image size mismatch is also why the /jpg/image.jpg path didn't work; ZM will use the stills but the frame rate will be much slower. Remember to be patient when making any changes, ZM has to burn through the warm up frames at the frame rate it's actually using.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:39 am
by highmighty
Hi all, unfortunately it still doesn't work :(

If it helps, in Zoneminder, I've noticed that both columns "Function" and "Source" turn orange when the below settings are applied, e.g. using port 8070. Otherwise the "Source" column stays usually red, e.g. when using port 80 or 8082:
Source type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: admin:admin@
Remote Host Port: 8070
Remote Host Path: /video.mjpeg
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 320
Capture Height: 240
I've also made sure that both ZM and alarm frame rates were set to 15 fps.

Here are some new screenshots from ZM, 1st image is the "camera view" while using port 8070 or 8090 (which makes both columns turn orange) and the 2nd image is when the ZM is trying to use any other port, e.g. 80, 8082, etc. You can see that no video is being displayed at all in both tests but they react differently, 1st one is always trying to load up the page while in the 2nd one, the 320x240 rectangle turns black and the page ends loading... but still no video :(



Thanks again for your help and patience,


Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:49 pm
by bb99
Actually the "turn orange " is a good sign and progress. Any testing done prior to adjusting the image size to match means nothing so the path "/index2.htm" is still in play and worth a try. To eliminate the palette selection as a problem, set both the camera and ZM to grey scale before testing any more. A wrong palette choice will give you the orange with no picture (black or white screen). That should boil this down to port and path discovery only.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:50 pm
by highmighty
Thanks for your help, again!

I can't find any places to change the color palette of the camera other than this field (see attached screenshot), is this where I should change the value to "black&white" to match ZM's 8 bit grayscale setting?


Thanks and later,


Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:16 am
by bb99
No, leave white balance to auto. Guess the palette is going to remain a variable. Try port 8082, path = /jpg/image.jpg?; ZM will use the stills to create a low fps capture, this way you can cycle through the various color and gray scale options to figure that out. Give at least 30 secs. to a minute in between changes. Once you have the palette selected then continue with the port/path choices to find the Mjpeg stream.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:20 am
by highmighty
Even with the still images in the path and using port 8082 (http port in the camera settings), I still don't see anything in ZM, it looks a "dead" webpage with a black 320x240 rectangle in it...

If it helps, I've noticed that enabling the RTSP protocol on the camera will disable all MPJEG options while leaving MPEG4 options available... but what's intereting is that it looks like the only time the "Source" will turn orange is when the RTSP protocol is turned OFF, or basically when the MPJEG port is ON which means that the camera is "ready" to send mjpeg, right?

So both port 8070 and 8090 will turn the "Source" to orange and it will always stay red if RTSP is turned ON.

Have a look, the "Source" is orange even with this "funny" video path :)


I think I'll write to Intellinet tech support to make sure that this exact model of camera is really MJPEG compliant as they say and to confirm that this code is valid with this NSC15-WG camera:
I suspect they are wrong here :(

The only stream I'm able of seing so far in VLC is this one:
And what about the error code 127 whenever I try to "probe" the camera? Normal?




Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:54 am
by bb99
I've never set up an RSTP camera, can't tell you if there's any tricks but you could load up Wire Shark, establish your connection with VLC and get the particulars and start experimenting. As to the error codes, I've never seen them explained. Your intuition on the Mjpeg capability is probably a good one. I noticed in the software installation guide requires active X to work and won't work in ZM, but your "findings" looked very straight forward; this should've been an easy one. When the monitor function turns orange ZM's got something; just out of curiosity try changing the function to MoDect and see what happens

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:50 pm
by highmighty
Here's Intellinet tech support response:
Dear Mr,

Please try this URL:


Here's a URL for you to test:

Please let us know if this works for you.

P.S.: We apologize for the mistake in the video stream documentation.

Best regards,
Network Camera Technical Support
I knew (and you too) that there was something wrong in their documentation... damn!

So I can now see a MJPEG stream at this location... yeah finally!

I can see it without login credentials, normal?

I sure tried all previous troubleshooting steps I went through and it still doesn't work, a black rectangle is being displayed in ZM...

All least there is some progress on the MJPEG side :)

Thanks for your support,

