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Debug help with x10?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:06 pm
by dmcelvy
zm 1.24.2-Am hoping to get some extra debugging advice for I have searched the forums and found similar threads but none seem to work with my setup.
  • I have set debugging in to "1".
    X10 enabled in zm options
    x10 trigger enabled in monitor along with 1+30 as command string.
    running -u 1 -c on from command line does work without problems
    Camera is in Modect mode
Since I am using firecracker I did have to edit to use::FireCracker instead of ActiveHome in order to get it working.

Debug 1 produces very little output in zmx10.log:
0/26/10 14:08:55.397895 zmx10[4626].INF [X10 server starting]
10/26/10 14:08:55.430517 zmx10[4626].DBG [Loading tasks]
10/26/10 14:08:55.479349 zmx10[4626].DBG [Monitor-2 has alarm output string '1']
10/26/10 14:08:55.479820 zmx10[4626].DBG [Adding to monitor list, uc:1, ev:ON, mo:6, fu:on, li:0]

If I run manually with arguments:
10/27/10 13:48:39.455863 zmx10[30094].INF [Got event - A01 ON]
10/27/10 13:48:39.456932 zmx10[30094].DBG [A01 on, ok]
and light comes on as it should but when camera event occurs zmx10 does not get the alarm.

I read other post about the transition bug and tried replacing line 306 but that does not seem to help in my case. Currently the code reads:

Code: Select all

if ( $state == STATE_ALARM && ($monitor->{LastState} == STATE_IDLE || $monitor->{LastState} == STATE_TAPE) ) # Gone$
             Debug( "Applying ON_list for $monitor_id\n" );
             $task_list = $monitor->{"ON_list"};
         elsif ( $state == STATE_TAPE && $monitor->{LastState} > STATE_TAPE ) # Come out of alarm state
             Debug( "Applying OFF_list for $monitor_id\n" );
             $task_list = $monitor->{"OFF_list"};
I am not certain in modect mode what the transition should be but am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction to debug exactly why the zmx10 server is not picking up the alarm event even though everything works when run manually.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.