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Panasonic BL-C30 control

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:59 pm
by ubell
I used to be able to control my BL-C30. I know this because I posted that here: in 2007. Somewhere along the way I lost the magic during some upgrade. I don't remember which one as I only use the system when we are away on vacation so there are long periods that I don't think about it. With my setup the same as what I had in 2007 and running a recently upgraded 1.24.2 ZoneMinder I cannot get the camera controls working. Any command gets a result like:
Control response was status = undefined
message = /usr/local/bin/ --autostop --command=moveConRight --id=4=>

I can control the camera from directly via its web interface and from an android Ip Cam Viewer app (which I recommend!).
Any ideas?