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eyeZm 1.1 available on app-store

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:31 pm
by jdhar
Just a quick note that v1.1 is now available on app-store. The following changes have been made:

- Support for ZoneMinder 1.24.3 (upcoming)
- eyeZm now uses XML Plugin Protocol 2, Feature-set 1 (p2fs1)
- Improved Event-view:
* Displays thumbnail of max. scoring frame
* Alarm frames can be browsed in order
* Touching thumbnail switches between captured frame and analysis frame
- More accurate error messages when Testing Connection

The next update is looking to be a good one, with H264 streaming and Montage View. Thanks to all that have supported the app so far!

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:14 pm
Awesome! I'll be buying it in a few hours. I looks pretty good and promising, I have a LOT of clients with iphones and they would be more than happy to see their zm boxes with a native app.

What about PTZX control ?

thanks for this app

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:26 pm
by mmi
verry good job

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:01 pm
by jdhar
DREMA wrote:Awesome! I'll be buying it in a few hours. I looks pretty good and promising, I have a LOT of clients with iphones and they would be more than happy to see their zm boxes with a native app.

What about PTZX control ?
Great, let me know if you have any feedback or run into any issues (PM). We are looking for all the feedback we can get in which features are most desirable.

Regarding PTZ, it's definitely going to happen. The problem is, right now since the app is just starting, we need to get enough of a stable user base to support us revenue-wise to invest in PTZ gear.

That being said, if you (or anyone else), had a PTZ cam that could be either loaned out to us, or setup on a server that we could access for a week or so, then we could get support in there faster.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:43 am
by apbb2
Jai was wonderfully patient with me while I struggled with the CLI to get the plugin running.

The app runs beautifully and support is spectacular.

I would recommend this app if you have an iPhone and want full functionality on it.

Fantastic app!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:27 pm
by damen_red
I have been using Zoneminder for over a year now, and this app is just icing on the cake! I am running a 10.04 Ubuntu installation on a netbook(Zoneminder 1.24.2), so I had to install the plugin by hand, but I was up and running within minutes. My review may look a little disingenuous, this being my first post and all, but I have never had a question that hadn't already been answered on these forums. I find it hard to spend more than a dollar for an app, if anything at all, but the $5 early adopter price is money well spent. I am streaming all 4 cameras at 3fps and it seems to keep up pretty well. My only question is, will there be iPad support soon? I can't seem to even search for it at the app store on my iPad.

Re: Fantastic app!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:37 pm
by jdhar
damen_red wrote:I have been using Zoneminder for over a year now, and this app is just icing on the cake! I am running a 10.04 Ubuntu installation on a netbook(Zoneminder 1.24.2), so I had to install the plugin by hand, but I was up and running within minutes. My review may look a little disingenuous, this being my first post and all, but I have never had a question that hadn't already been answered on these forums. I find it hard to spend more than a dollar for an app, if anything at all, but the $5 early adopter price is money well spent. I am streaming all 4 cameras at 3fps and it seems to keep up pretty well. My only question is, will there be iPad support soon? I can't seem to even search for it at the app store on my iPad.
Glad to hear the app is working well for you! As a heads-up, v1.2 made it's way into the app-store approval process today, and brings H264 streaming natively to your device, so you can watch your cams at much better frame-rate over 3G. If you find the app useful, we always appreciate a quick thumbs-up on an itunes review to help us out!

Regarding ipad support, I've had a few inquiries about this, but unfortunately we can't justify spending on development for this just yet since the volume isn't there (sorry!). But, that being said, it's in the road map. There are a few major features we need to introduce, and once those are done and are stable, we will work on the ipad. To give you a realistic time-frame, look to about Feb. 2011 for ipad support. Please bear with us until then.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:17 am
Ok I bought last weekend, and I have to say, I'm very happy that finally there's an native zoneminder app for the iphone.

Now, its still on early stages, but it looks promising, I like the server and camera list, but then I don't like when you select a camera, because you have to select again another option to see the live feed, also the UI is very clumsy. On my opinion after selecting any camera you should see the live feed and in the same part have a an option to see the events.
Also implementing a calendar or the timeline would be awesome.

But for being a start, excellent job jdhar!

Now please I need some help, when tryng to view my events, the majority of them says "File not found" and a few load the image but when I press play video nothing happens.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:08 pm
by jdhar
DREMA wrote: Now, its still on early stages, but it looks promising, I like the server and camera list, but then I don't like when you select a camera, because you have to select again another option to see the live feed, also the UI is very clumsy. On my opinion after selecting any camera you should see the live feed and in the same part have a an option to see the events.
Thanks for the feedback Drema. This is more of a design decision... right now, when you start from servers, it goes servers -> monitor list -> event list -> live feed. I think you are saying you'd prefer going from monitor list directly to live feed. Some people use the app primarily for event-viewing, others for live-feed, so obviously jumping directly to the live feed would now mean two clicks for event-list. Do you have any recommendations on what you would like to see for having the live feed and events in 'the same part'? We are always open to feedback and making things easier for you..

One thing that is coming soon is the ability to switch between monitors and feeds/events much easier (so you don't have to navigate back).
Also implementing a calendar or the timeline would be awesome.
Time-line feature is coming in probably v1.4. I'm surprised you are the first to request it though!
Now please I need some help, when tryng to view my events, the majority of them says "File not found" and a few load the image but when I press play video nothing happens.
Can you do a tail -f on your apache logs (access and error) and PM me the output when you try to view a video? Most of the time, this is either a path issue or an ffmpeg issue. If you send me your logs, we can resolve this very easily!


Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:28 am
Yeah I thought the same, what about using the same way zm does? You got the live feed and if you scroll down theres a list of the most recent events? also what about using the "trigger" image for the event preview? The one that have defined in colors what zone triggered an alarm.

About my problem, I don't have access to that zm machine at the moment, but I'm pretty sure is something with the paths cause I compiled the svn versions of ffmpeg and zm. On other boxes with 1.24.2 it works perfect.

Thanks and keep us updated with the progress of your app!

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:47 pm
by jdhar
DREMA wrote:Yeah I thought the same, what about using the same way zm does? You got the live feed and if you scroll down theres a list of the most recent events? also what about using the "trigger" image for the event preview? The one that have defined in colors what zone triggered an alarm.
Thanks for the feedback Drema, we always appreciate new ways to improve our product. Regarding the 'trigger' image, we already show the alarm frames today. Is this what you are referring to? For example, when you click on an event on eyeZm v1.1, the Alarm Frame with the highest score is displayed for you. ZM only stores normal frames, and analysis frames (which shows the red-lines of what changed). Is this what you are referring to?
About my problem, I don't have access to that zm machine at the moment, but I'm pretty sure is something with the paths cause I compiled the svn versions of ffmpeg and zm. On other boxes with 1.24.2 it works perfect.

Thanks and keep us updated with the progress of your app!
No problem, we'll work through PM to get this resolved. If you are using ZM 1.24.3 from SVN (you mentioned this), you have the ability to configure the path to FFMPEG in the Options Panel (XML tab), so we can start there.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:06 pm
by damen_red
FYI as a follow up, this app synced to my iPad just fine and works great! It would be nice to have an iPad specific interface, but I like the simple approach you have taken to just getting the latest events and live feed. The only thing I have had trouble with is that if I close the app by pressing the home button and then re-open it again, I have to go back a screen or two and hit the refresh button to re-connect to the server, or I get an invalid login error on the live feed screen. It would be nice if there was a refresh button active on each screen, or if this was done automatically.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:15 pm
by jdhar
damen_red wrote:FYI as a follow up, this app synced to my iPad just fine and works great! It would be nice to have an iPad specific interface, but I like the simple approach you have taken to just getting the latest events and live feed. The only thing I have had trouble with is that if I close the app by pressing the home button and then re-open it again, I have to go back a screen or two and hit the refresh button to re-connect to the server, or I get an invalid login error on the live feed screen. It would be nice if there was a refresh button active on each screen, or if this was done automatically.
Regarding the refreshing, you should be able to do this refresh on the Server List Page, the Monitor List, and the Event-list by clicking the lower left Refresh Icon. All 3 of these refresh's should do the same thing (let me know if it doesn't work for you). But yes, you did pick up on an improvement that we will make with the next release (v1.3, as v1.2 is in approval process). For v1.3, we will have it such that exiting/returning to the app will automatically refresh. This needs to happen manually right now since ZM logs you out after inactivity on the server side. Look for v1.3 around end of year.

Glad the app is working for you though! We would love to put out an iPad interface version, but we need to finish up with some other major feature introductions. Once we do, we'll shift our focus to alternate platforms such as the iPad.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:45 am
by BlankMan
I curious about your comment regarding 1.24.3 being upcoming? I've been looking around periodically and never see any info on 1.24.3 or any development going on at all? Maybe I'm just missing it. But it be nice to see what's coming what's changed what's added etc. and when it might be available. Been a really long time since 1.24.2 came out...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:50 am
by jdhar
BlankMan wrote:I curious about your comment regarding 1.24.3 being upcoming? I've been looking around periodically and never see any info on 1.24.3 or any development going on at all? Maybe I'm just missing it. But it be nice to see what's coming what's changed what's added etc. and when it might be available. Been a really long time since 1.24.2 came out...
It's supposed to be anyday now, but I'm not doing the official release so I can't comment :) I can only suggest that if you want to get on 1.24.3 immediately, just get it from SVN source. When 1.24.3 comes out, it's probably not going to be available in package format for some time anyway, meaning your only option is to compile from source and upgrade existing install; so may as well just check it out from SVN-trunk and install it now.

If there are any changes from now until the release, it's very simple to just update your SVN directory, make and make install, and only the updates get installed.