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Bandwidth limit, It seems

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:32 am
by Yamanipanuchi
This might be better posted on the ubuntu forums, but It does deal with Zoneminder and camera's.

I'm almost noticing what would seem to be a bandwidth limit for camera's using Zoneminder.

Im noticing what seems to be a limit as to how fast zoneminder is able to access the camera's.. Seems like it cant go through the frames fast enough.

All the camera's (4) are at 100 mbits. I seem to only be able to get about 4-6 FPR out of them all. I want to try and get 15. I have 4 camera's and my CPU load is at about .4 - .6. 8 gigs of ram...

Seems like it should be able to get to or at least close to 15 FPS, But its not.

I set 3 of the camera's to 'None' and I confirm my bandwidth goes down, it would seem that the system is only allowing so much bandwidth per stream?

Anyone out there ever hear of this?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:04 am
The issue is on your cameras, what model are you using?

I have 25 ip cameras on one box with 100mbit and I don't have any problem.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:00 am
by Yamanipanuchi
I have 4 camera's.

1 axis 207
2 axis 209
1 axis 211

Whats weird is that cheapest camera I actually get the best FPS of about 9.

If I browse to the camera directly I get 25-30 fps.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:40 pm
by Yamanipanuchi
Hmm I found something new. I was messing around with the configuration on the camera and I noticed at times it would jump to 10 fps (Which it what I have it set to now).

I noticed whenever I open Live' View on the camera itself and have essencially have both live views open zoneminder goes to 10 fps, otherwise it sits at about 7 fps normally.

Now I know this is related to the camera, But im hoping maybe someone out there has run into this? Ill try axis's site also.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:30 pm
by Yamanipanuchi
Okey, I found the solution..... Sorta.

I was using this string for my camera's


And I had to change it to


Key difference was the "mjpg" instead of "jpg" and removing the "640x480" all together.

Im running at 25 fps on all 4 camera's with no issues (Other then disk space).

Thanks for anyone that gave help or considered giving help.