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Another Can't get shared memory id

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:57 pm
by liderbugzm
OS Linux
ZM v1.24.2 via yum install [erase,install,erase,install...]

/proc/sys/kernel/shmall 134217728, shmmax 134217728

zmwatch[20710].ERR [Can't get shared memory id
also: zmcd: zmc exit abnormally, status 30

I've Googled & searched and run out of things to try.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:07 pm
by liderbugzm
I installed using yum and I'm beginning to think I'm missing a memory mapping something. My "system" is running fine but ZM will not / can not create a shared memory seg. What is required shemem wise for ZM?


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:33 am
by PacoLM

Have you edited the /etc/sysctl.conf file and put these values there?

Try working with only one camera and lowering its resolution (320x240 it's ok to start with). Once you have this working, then try to increase shared memory settings / resolution as needed.

Hope it helps,


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:32 pm
by liderbug
I doubled shmall/max to 268435456 and rebuilt the DB. Which leads me to another question. The load has the zm_create file and 37 update files. But after I install the base DB and start running the updates I get errors on every one and when I'm done WarmUpCount is missing from the Monitors table. So my new question is: should I run the single create and all of the updates or just the create.sql file?

By running just the create.sql file the web page now displays a blank/broken image but I still don't get shared memory.


TA-DA (5 min later) I'm up and running. Having added "drop database if exists zm;" to the create script and NOT running any updates.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:16 am
by PacoLM

I have a question...why did you rebuilt the database when changing the shared memory settings?. Is there any specific reason to do that?

How many cameras has your system? Resolutions? FPS? RAM?

I ask you this because I have set my system (2 ipcams, 320x240, 3pfs, 512Mbytes), with very small image buffer size, and I wanted to know if people with similar systems have different shared memory settings.

Thanks in advance,


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:41 pm
by liderbug
I rebuilt the DB because I remembered errors when I created it for the first time - must digress -

/usr/share/zoneminder/db has 1 zm_create.sql and 37 updates.sqls. My background says load the base code and then apply the updates - otherwise they wouldn't be any reason for those [updates] to be included in the RPM. What I remembered was: complaint, error, error, missing, error... for just about every update file. When I decided to reload was when I found the DB didn't have a WarmUpCount column.

I had doubled the 2 shm*** values - didn't fix it. So I took a WAG the "Can't get shared memory id" was because the DB was foobar and reloaded it - sans 37 updates - and wonder of wonders. :D

So, I'm going out on a limb here and say - "When you download ZM and create the DB - DO NOT load the update.sql files - rm *update* as the very first step".


Cams: Axis 2100, Axis 206W, Venus USB (china via ebay) and a couple of X10 (in the closet). Oh, my shm's are 268M - ipcs says each cam is using 36M of memory - 640x480. I think I can trim that back just a bit....