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Howto find out stream format of ip cam (pixord)?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:32 pm
by vespaman
Hi, first post here... :oops:

I have a pixord P-201 network campera that I really would like to get working with zm. But being a newbie, I am unable to get it to work.

I have tried to set it up as;
protocol: http
remote host: <ip>
remote host port: 81
remote host path: /getimage?camera=1&fmt=sif
24 bit colour
width: 352
height: 288

As soon as I do this, the camera starts to send something (easily seen on the activity led), but nothing is shown in zm.

I have tried to paste the "ip address:port//getimage?camera=1&fmt=sif" into vlc, and the same thing happens; the activity LED shows that the camera is sending some stream, but the vlc window is still black.

According to an old post, someone claimed to have the P-201 working, so there might still be hope for me, but on the other hand, in contradiction to the manual, explorer seams be necessary to use the cam directly from a browser. The manual does state that the P-201 is platform independent, and compatible with linux and what not, just no serious information.
Also jpeg and mjpeg should be supported according to manual.

How can I proceed?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:15 pm
by bb99
Read the documentation (lacking) but believe you are on the right track. Try to access the camera with a browser, get a picture and right click properties the thing. Should give you some insight as to the path needed. Noticed the non standard resolutions (NTSC: 704x480, 352x240, 176x112 PAL: 704x576, 352x288, 176x144) and see you've chosen a PAL res., try them all but before you do, set the color palette to gray scale or black/white; so much easier to get to work.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:07 am
by vespaman
OK, so I have tested b/w and the different resolutions.

If I go for the pal resolutions, and match them with sif and full, and select 24 bit colour, the 'source' turns orange. As soon as I go outside this (e.g. grey scale, ntsc resoulutions), 'source' turns red, and entries in /var/log/messages reports:

Code: Select all

Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmdc[5260]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmdc[5260]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 11/01/23 11:56:12, pid = 5704]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmdc[5704]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 11/01/23 11:56:12]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmc_m1[5704]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = <none>]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmc_m1[5704]: INF [Starting Capture]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmc_m1[5704]: ERR [Captured image does not match expected size, check width,
height and colour depth]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmc_m1[5704]: ERR [Failed to capture image from monitor 1 (0/1)]
Jan 23 11:56:12 oxygen zmdc[5260]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Jan 23 11:56:14 oxygen zmwatch[5303]: ERR [Can't get shared memory id '7a6d0001', 1: No such file or directory]
Does this means that the cam stream is fine now, and I have some other problem with zonemider?

I have ignored some warnings in the monitor view, since I have concentrated on the camera stream issue;

Code: Select all

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/zoneminder/htdocs/includes/functions.php on line 808

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/zoneminder/htdocs/includes/functions.php on line 813

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/zoneminder/htdocs/includes/functions.php on line 808

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /var/www/zoneminder/htdocs/includes/functions.php on line 813

In that case, is there a way of doing a dry run? Like playing a file of something of the kind? I have not ffmpeg support, since the compilation failed (I'm on gentoo) when I selected that use flag.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:31 am
by vespaman
OK, found the solution for the errors to go away;

Now I have an image!!! :D

Thanks for helping me get here!