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Pico 2000 umbuntu no video easy fix???

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:40 pm
by linuxbeginner

Ive recently installed umbuntu and zoneminder and have got into the config screen where i can add monitors. But the problem i have is i cannot get my pico 2000 card to show anything on screen. I have no idea if the drivers are installed for it though i read this vedrsion has them anyways.

Ive used search about a million times and scrolled through various threads but the only one i found that looked like it would be helpfull had comments that said use search!

In /etc/modprobe.conf I think this might have something to do with it but i dont know if i run this in the terminal or search for it in zoneminder configs?

This is my first attempt at linux and although im fairly fluent with windows, linux makes me feel like ive never used a pc before.

Any help much appreciated. :)

Edit:- ok ive worked out that modprobe.conf is a file but its one that i dont have on my computer. Does this mean the drivers are not installed? ive also got my zoneminder to show video with a black screen but o camera.

Edit2:- ok now i got the drivers installed, they werent before. ive managed to get it working in xwztv but it only works in ntsc and its green. zoneminder still just black screens.

Edit3:- i think ive found the correct channel in zoneminder now but when i try to view the video it just sits at a blank box and says waiting for

Also i managed to get a better video in xwztv by changing it to pal/nc but i have no colour. only black and white.

edit4:- Using the sudo chmod 666 /dev/video0 command i now have video in my zoneminder.

My only problem now though is that the video is very distorted with lines all through it and flashes blue every now and then. Its also still in black and white.

The version of unbutu im using is 10.1 and there is no modprobe file. Should i create this to get the camera installed correctly?

Edit5:- turned computer back on today and had no video in zoneminder, tried to do the chmod but still no video :(. i hate linux