zoneminder configured for Internet cameras

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zoneminder configured for Internet cameras

Post by sadalsuud »

Hi good afternoon, will I have a problem with zoneminder and already managed to get the driver for the camera, compile, install, and install zoneminder in a ubuntu 10.11

I have: cameras that connect to a card in a PC CCTV tends zoneminder currently running. I can see what the cameras recorded.

Question: How do I get to see what these cameras record from another PC using inert.

I have several offices, and the idea is to have a central server zoneminder from which you can see the chambers of the other offices that are scattered throughout the city.

Zoneminder configuarar not for this. If I can be your guide, for what I was buuuscando logradado and reading. But this part I'm stuck

I appreciate your time and comments ...

Hopefully I can help.