Montage messed up in IE

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Montage messed up in IE

Post by AnotherBrian »

On prior release of ubuntu/zoneminder I was able to access my zoneminder/ubuntu server via IE. Now I am getting weird results with releases 1.24.2.

a) On win7 Home accessing ubuntu/zoneminder server: 1) montage on Firefox works fine; but 2) IE on Win7 Home displays one camera and the cambozola copyright notice appears in place of the other cameras.

I was thiinking that it was a trusted url issue and configured IE to trust the zoneminder url but that didnt work. I also turned off IE protected mode. I also tried the other versions of cambozola at zoneminder download and even the one at charliemouse website.

b) A test from a remote computer in an office enviroment (running IE)
results in (so I am told) 1) in montage the same camera is repeated; 2) in montage two cameras are displayed; and 3) each time they access montage it changes (i.e., 1 camera repeated etc).

Suggestions - anyone have cambozola working on 1.24?