the output are flow:
Video Capabilities
Name: PC Camera
Type: 1
Can capture
Video Channels: 1
Audio Channels: 0
Maximum Width: 640
Maximum Height: 480
Minimum Width: 48
Minimum Height: 32
Window Attributes
X Offset: 0
Y Offset: 0
Width: 320
Height: 240
Picture Attributes
Palette: 0 - Unknown
Colour Depth: 8
Brightness: 0
Hue: 0
Colour :0
Contrast: 32768
Whiteness: 39321
Channel 0 Attributes
Name: zc3xx
Channel: 0
Flags: 0
Type: 2 - Camera
Format: 0 - PAL
that's sounds the camera can work , but in index page , the camera can't be detected. (the color of /dev/video0 was red).
Could any one help me?