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Problems with viewing events/stills, and generating video

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:37 pm
by gridsouth
ZoneMinder seems to record as expected (the frame count is there to support the recordings), but when and event is clicked on for viewing, most of the time it will play a second or two of the recording and then stop. When viewing stills for a recording, only a few of them show in the window, yet if I look inside the event folder, the images are all there and I can view them individually, just not from within ZoneMinder. When I try to generate video from within ZoneMinder, a similar thing happens, it's generate a video that is only a second or two long, thus the majority of the video is missing. Yet if I generate a video manually using the ffmpeg via command line, the video is fine. ZoneMinder seems to be having a caching problem? It's hard to understand this problem since it records fine. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Istvan, GridSouth Networks