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ZoneMinder Public GIT Repository Trial

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:48 pm
by asturgeon
There was some discussion about setting up a public GIT repository, and I have finally been tasked with doing so, so it's time to get it rolling!

eyeZm has setup a public GIT repository on GitHub, and is public. A GitHub account (free) is required to clone. See

Once you have a git-hub account, you can clone using:

Code: Select all

git clone ./ZoneMinder
cd ZoneMinder
git checkout dev
If you plan on pushing to the repo, please make sure you configure your user information

Code: Select all

git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
git config --global ""
Now, some notes for discussion:
  • Permissions: We are starting off with a public repo. This means anyone with a GitHub account can pull. No need to PM/email for permissions to pull.
  • In order to push and contribute, please PM or email your GitHub username and I will happily add you to the collaborator list. We aren't restricting anyone from pushing, but some very basic level of security is needed to prevent spammers
  • We are proposing the following branch structure:
    • master: This will track the master SVN repository (unless that changes at some point). It should be considered stable, and not for development. A few of us will take care of updating this, and merging into this branch. Anyone who is proficient enough and is a frequent contributor can do this.
    • dev: This is what development checkins should be made to. It may be unstable at times as people contribute, but no problem since we can always fix it up. We want people to contribute and not be afraid of making checkins here. The master branch will also be frequently merged into the dev branch to keep the baseline up to date.
What does everyone think? Any issues with this scheme? This should hopefully be better than SVN as there have been availability issues with the repo, and this will help ease the load on Phil's server.

eyeZm is committed to enabling user contributions, so if GitHub doesn't work out for whatever reasons, or people abuse the public nature, we will happily move it to our own backend and host it free of charge. Lets see how this works out for the time being... there have been some great performance patches coming out lately, so lets get those committed so people don't need to apply them manually and can just pull directly from git.

Re: ZoneMinder Public GIT Repository Trial

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:04 am
by raghuram
Hi....very very informative....

Re: ZoneMinder Public GIT Repository Trial

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:00 pm
by tijuca
For me there are some points that make some problems to me. I haved cloned the trunk from the Subersion to my local git repo and make some comparsion.
Ma way (quick and simple):

Code: Select all

git svn clone "Subversion URL" Zoneminder #damned Spamcheck, I could not post the SVN URL
cd Zoneminder
git remote add github "GithubRepo_ZoneMinder.git" #and one more spam check
git fetch github
After short look to both branches...
  • * I don't know how the Git repo on Github is created (with what for options)?
    * How offen is the repo updated?
    * The Git repo on Github seems to lagged some revisions. One day delay would for me be accaptabel.
    * There are some differences between my local repo and the repo on github

    Code: Select all

    git log github/master FETCH_HEAD --no-merges --format='%h | Author:%an | Date:%ad | %s' --date=local
    * I'm diasagree with just one Development branch. Git is great for branching and merging or cherry picking. So why don't use it? So it is only a modern Subversion. :wink:
    * I don't have tags for the old releases. This depends on the import of the trunk from subversion. Without the possibility to access a "tag" directory on the Subversion from Phil it is mostly not impossible to create a git repo with tags. So an efficient bisecting is very difficult.
    * What about coding and usage style? If more than one person is working on this project it is nessesary to have some standards for all.
O.K. that's just my minds to this.
I think the future is a Git repo.