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Zoneminder 1.24.4 latest & Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS w USB camera

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:03 pm
by nonofurbiz
Hi all,

i have read numerous post around the forum and I cant quite figure out my problem. So the thing is that i want to use zoneminder with any "supported" USB camera. Tryed and compiled on latest Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS from ports, everything installs and runs perfectly, just that theres a problem with the cameras. I have a Labtec Webcam Pro, thats supposed to be supported by zoneminder, by which i get with: "zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v", that the resolution is ok, 640x480, but that theres an error fetching the horizontal&vertical sync and everything else specified. The outcome is that theres no picture(black or no picture) when configuring on the zoneminder control panel on /dev/video0. The other usb camera i have is a ebay few dollars camera with IR support. The main goal is to create a nightvision surveillance(cheap one), so that IR cameras are a must. The link of the second from ebay is here: i have no clue who the maker is. The result with "zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v" on the cheap camera is better, i get the horizontal&vertical sync and everything else, but the result on the zoneminder page is the same. Its strange do, cause both cameras work in numerous programs on debian/fedora/centos, like skype, msn, capturing programs, etc... So that its not a problem with the drivers i guess if other programs do work(i tried to compile 2 different drivers on debian for the labtec - without any change in zoneminder). I tryed to get both cameras working with streaming the flow with flv, ogg or other codecs, by which i got the labtec pro working for a couple of hours, before it dies every time. So im asking you guys, what USB - IR(if possible) camera(for little money) to buy for zoneminder and any linux/bsd distribution to work as seen on the screenshots, as i dont want to go and buy 10 different usb cameras, without a clue..

Thanks in Advance,

Re: Zoneminder 1.24.4 latest & Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS w USB ca

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:33 am
by nonofurbiz
up?... just a few words folks :)

Re: Zoneminder 1.24.4 latest & Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS w USB ca

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:50 am
by nonofurbiz
can someone name me just 1 usb camera thats going to work by default on any linux/bsd distribution with zoneminder in the ports..?
