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Help Resetting up Zoneminder

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:29 am
by tfuller
Hello recently my zoneminder installation failed. It had been running great but I'm not sure what broke it. I tried going into /usr/src/zm and running make uninstall, which worked. I then uninstalled ffmpeg the same way. I am running Ubuntu Server 11.04 64bit. I then tried to install Zoneminder via the latest guide in the wiki but nothing is working correctly.

I don't get any errors during the install process but Zoneminder is not showing up when I try to go to it's page.

I then reinstalled Apache2 and Mysql, probably not the greatest idea there and reinstalled ZoneMinder again. Now I get errors when trying to start Zoneminder.

Can anyone tell me what exactly I should wipe before trying to install again from the guide?


Re: Help Resetting up Zoneminder

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:46 am
by jbmia
If it's a new os install, my suggestion would be to reinstall Ubuntu and go from there... Unless you have other stuff on the box that makes it problematic, it'll probably take less time to just reinstall the os than to ponder what to uninstall..

my 2 cents.


Re: Help Resetting up Zoneminder

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:14 am
by Flasheart
Shared memory if not mmap? (See faq)

What do the logs say?

1.24.2 versions are on the main ubuntu repository, apt-get install zoneminder rather than build from source, plus the shared memory tweak, should get you working.

Re: Help Resetting up Zoneminder

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:44 am
by tfuller
Thanks guys. I was hoping to avoid a reinstall as I've been up and running for a while, but it's looking like the best option now. Is there any reason I shouldn't install via the apt-get method? Don't get me wrong the people who make the guides do a great job for installing from source but if I don't know what and why I'm doing it what advantages am I truely getting in the end.