Hi guys,
So, I picked up a CM11A and a couple lamp modules... stumbled into installed the X10::ActiveHome perl module.. ran a test of zmx10.pl and had immediate success switching a lamp on and off.... A rare YIPPEEEE moment where things work the first time around... I then created a monitor, flagged the trigger box on the main tab, and populated 1x30 on the X10 tab (and of course properly completed the X10 tab in options as well).. and whaddya know another YIPPEEEEEEE....... moment. A brief moment.
I then went into the X10 tab for the monitor and changed it from 1+30 to 1+180... Triggered an event and.... no more yippee ....
Man.. I checked all the settings.. I deleted the monitor, re-created the monitor, checked all the settings 5 times, checked the forums, went from one physical camera to another, checked permissions rechecked permissions on the device, had every log imaginable running in tail -f simultaneously, and in the span of 2 hours got it to work like twice...All the while zmx10.pl would turn it on and off every time from the command line...
Until.... I found what appears to be a nasty little cockroach in my monitors general tab... that every time I went to change or modify in some way the values on the X10 tab,the cockroach would mischievously un-check the box on the general tab. So, I'm fumbling around with a monitor thinking it should send an signal to zmx10.pl, but of course won't because it's unflagged.. And, every single time the box is rechecked and saved, when you go back into it, the box is unchecked !!!
So, the only way to reliably change the settings on a monitors X10 tab (e.g., extend the time a lamp is on...), is to delete the monitor (along with all it's statistics and history) and create a new one..
Being in the software business, this is what we call an "undocumented feature".. Can anyone confirm or deny? Patch? Slap me around and tell me what I've done wrong? 1.24.4
X10 Bug? Replicatable scenario...
Re: X10 Bug? Replicatable scenario...
Ok.. how about this then.. since I can't go back in and check the triggers box without deleting the monitor and creating a new, would I break anything if I just went into the database and updated that value in the Monitors table??
Re: X10 Bug? Replicatable scenario...
Its a bug. A Long lasting one at that.
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... &hilit=x10
Should still work in current version.
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... &hilit=x10
Should still work in current version.
Re: X10 Bug? Replicatable scenario...
I must have missed that one...
I must have missed that one...