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Event Frames Not Being Stored In Mysql

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:07 am
by Go3Team
Checking over some events, the event images are not being stored in mysql properly. The event will show frames 1-179 and then the next frame will be 300. I've increased the memory available to mysql and restarted ZM, and it still does the same thing. Anyone have any other ideas?

I should have mentioned that the images are there in the events directory, the information about them is not being stored in my sql.

Edit 2:
Screen grab of what I am referring to:

Re: Event Frames Not Being Stored In Mysql

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:41 am
by Go3Team
I did a clean install of the OS, and ZM, doubled the memory to 4GB, increased shared memory to use all available 4GB, and it still goes up to 179 and then to whatever number I have the buffer set at, in the case above it was 300. I even downgraded the OS on another clean install, and it still does this. I only have 1 camera operating at the moment, and I am at a loss.

Re: Event Frames Not Being Stored In Mysql

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:57 am
by Go3Team
Another clean install, Ubuntu 11.04, 1.25.0, etc. Same issue.

Found this in zm_event.h:

Code: Select all

#define MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES	16 // Maximum number of prealarm frames that can be stored
Am I am least getting warm?