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7Links Pan-Tilt IP-Kamera

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:54 pm
by mdcm
Hi @ll,

first of all, sorry for my bad english (i'm german)
I'm new with zonminder, and i have a Problem with the Pan-Tilt funktion
the cam looks like a Foscam FI8918W

i have tried to get the script (wiki) for Foscam FI8918W running but it dosen't work for me

my two question:

1. is there enybody out that have a 7Links Pan-Tilt running ?
2. is there enything else to do at zonminder inst. (i have the checkbox in Options checked)

i have a zonminder 1.24.3 distribution installed

please help i'm :?

whats up ?
nobody ???

Best regards mdcm