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Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:54 pm
by enito
Hi ,

i recently installed in a debian box a zoneminder, looks so question, if possible storage videos making with motion in a dir for access to user using samba? i see video can be generated from jpg captures, but i wanna do it automaticly , and send to a dir for access via network, possible?

thx !!!

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:26 am
by christophe_y2k
it's possible to share with samba the stockage dir of ZoneMinder (safe with read only)

But give us viewer access directly to zoneminder

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:33 pm
by nightcrawler
yes it's posible.

take a look here:

it's from an other forumboard (homeseer), for home domotica software. 2 members here, ZEN en Pete made an 24H alarm script. that generates an video of all events in the last 24 hour. works well and you probably can alter it in an 1-hour or event trigger video script if you know some basic scripting.

copy&past from the homeseer board and code:

Code: Select all

# !/bin/bash

# Use this script for creating alarm video-files 
# Modded by -Mike- aka Zap

# Enumerate existing ZoneMinder Monitors
cameraList=(`ls /var/cache/zoneminder/events/ | grep '[A-z]'`)
echo Number of detected ZoneMinder Monitors: ${#cameraList[@]}

# Start working through all detected ZoneMinder Monitors
 for (( i=0; i<${cameraNum}; i++ ));
  echo Doing ZoneMinder Monitor: ${cameraList[$i]}

# Get a list of images for the last 24 hours from each of the detected ZoneMinder Monitors.
  find $eventsFolder${cameraList[$i]} -follow -mtime -1 -name \*capture.jpg > /tmp/alarmvideos/${cameraList[$i]}.list

# Sort output file for a consistent movie
  sort /tmp/alarmvideos/${cameraList[$i]}.list -o /tmp/alarmvideos/${cameraList[$i]}-sorted.list

# Encode each 24hr events into a movie
  mencoder mf://@/tmp/alarmvideos/${cameraList[$i]}-sorted.list  -mf w=640:h=480:fps=10:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -ofps 10 -oac copy -o /tmp/alarmvideos/${cameraList[$i]}-`date +%F`.avi

# Find avi's with actual events-move to new dir
  cd /tmp/alarmvideos
  find *.avi -size +5k -exec mv {} /tmp/zmvideos \;

# Cleanup
  rm -rf /tmp/alarmvideos/*.list
  rm -rf /tmp/alarmvideos/*.avi

@*#() can't past the URL because i'm an user with less post...stupid rule...

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:46 pm
by enito

thx a lot for the reply, now i try to analyze the script you give, btw, possible send me via private message the link of the board, where the script was posted? thx!!

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:53 pm
by enito

i discovered this script, for generate the video made in url in section make in video format, to move to a dir , and works..

How to store all recordings as video files in a common folder
url wiki. mikeality. com / Zoneminder

My question is make run the script like in crontab , the script for auto detect events, and made the files...

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:51 pm
by bb99

Re: Video Storage Possible?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:13 pm
by aptsys
Useful info. Thanks very much :)