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time scheduling
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:39 am
by scubamau
good morning,
excuse my poor english, some days I'm testing with zoneminder Foscam cam and with good results, but I do not see a function that I need for work, scheduling the recording cameras.
Perhaps I could not find this function as the program is very broad, someone can help me?
Re: time scheduling
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:02 am
by nightcrawler
Hi see the wiki at: ... ZoneMinder
and this howto is also very informative: ... index.html
The best way to record is by setting it to Modect or MOCORD modus:
None – The monitor is currently disabled and no streams can be viewed or events generated.
Monitor – The monitor will only stream feeds but no image analysis is done and so no alarms or events will be generated,
Modect – or MOtion DEteCTtion. All captured images will be analysed and events generated where motion is detected.
Record – In this case continuous events of a fixed length are generated regardless of motion which is analogous to a convention time-lapse video recorder. No motion detection takes place in this mode.
Mocord – This is a hybrid of Modect and Record and results in both fixed length events being recorded and also any motion being highlighted within those events.
Nodect – or No DEteCTtion. This is a special mode designed to be used with external triggers. In Nodect no motion detection takes place but events are recorded if external triggers require it.
But If you want to use it like an timelaps video recorder you can use the RECORD function of an monitor. It's not possible to set an start or end time for the RECORD function. But it's possible to set the monitor function by making an script and run it like an CRON job on scheduled times.
see also this post for that: ... or_week.3F
How can I get ZM to do different things at different times of day or week?
If you want to configure ZoneMinder to do motion detection during the day and just record at night, for example, you will need to use ZoneMinder 'run states'. A run state is a particular configuration of monitor functions that you want to use at any time.
To save a run state you should first configure your monitors for Modect, Record, Monitor etc as you would want them during one of the times of day. Then click on the running state link at the top of the Console view. This will usually say 'Running' or 'Stopped'. You will then be able to save the current state and give it a name, 'Daytime' for example. Now configure your monitors how you would want them during other times of day and save that, for instance as 'Nighttime'.
Now you can switch between these two states by selecting them from the same dialog you saved them, or from the command line from issue the command <run state>, for example Daytime.
The final step you need to take, is scheduling the time the changes take effect. For this you can use cron. A simple entry to change to the Daylight state at at 8am and to the nighttime state at 8pm would be as follows,
Code: Select all
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/ Daytime
0 20 * * * /usr/local/bin/ Nighttime
Re: time scheduling
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:18 am
by scubamau
Hi, thank for the answer,
It 'a shame that the software does not have this possibility.
Being able to choose when to enable or disable motion control functions do not think it impossible to manage.
Being able to monitor a place throughout the day without registering or recording at night to do so would be a very useful thing.
Maybe it's the only thing he lacks
Re: time scheduling
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:27 am
by nightcrawler
Well, you can make the function by following these instructions from the wiki so yes it's possible. And at my setup it works very good.
And I agree that and calendar function for turning ZM into an preset state like day,night or holliday mode would be nice.
But at the other end, why should you record an camera view when there is no action/movement....
Re: time scheduling
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:40 am
by scubamau
Sorry but in addition must be very interesting to have cameras that record and the other not? I think it is essential for the type of software, with this system that records all or nothing, for software of this magnitude seems to me absurd.
I hope in future releases
Re: time scheduling
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:23 pm
by Christo
Hello All,
The previous posts did hit the nail...
Indeed... why endless / useless recording (and viewing) if youll have Motion Detection capabilties on board?
Regards, Christo