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"Empty input file" with AXIS Network Cam

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 4:20 pm
by olaf

I try to use an AXIS 2100 Network WebCam. I can access the jpg images taken bye the cam with a webbrowser but zmc always says "Empty input file".
i'm sure that the path and so on is correct, because any other path gives me an "404 not fond".
The command I use to start zmc is:
./zmc -H -P 80 -p '/cgi-bin/image320x240.jpg'
I also tried the webinterface with the same result.
I use the ZoneMinder distribution v0.9.15 with SUSE Linux 8.2.
Unfortunatly I don't have a simple USB webcam to test that, but another network based test I made (see thread "strange effects with network timeout") wasn't succesfull either.

Regards, Olaf.

Re: "Empty input file" with AXIS Network Cam

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:55 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Olaf,

The only path I've used on an Axis camera was '/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?resolution=320x240' as detailed in another thread here. Have you tried that? I know Axis did change paths and other stuff in a firmware a while back so I'm not sure if it's the same for all cameras.



Re: "Empty input file" with AXIS Network Cam

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:27 pm
by olaf
Hi Philip,

yes I read your post and also tried this but with no success. The zmc then sais "404 not found". I'm quite sure that the path is not the problem because this is the only path that gives no "404 not found". Maybe it has something to do with the problem I described in the other thread "strange effects with network timeout". I realy tried a lot (over one day) but I just can't get it working... Unfortunatly I'm not to familiar with c++ an not at all with perl, so I can't try some of your code just to get the jpg image via http. In my opinion thats the part where it stucks.
Greets from Germany, Marc.

Re: "Empty input file" with AXIS Network Cam

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 8:42 pm
by tech_fixer
Some old or not up-to-date Axis camera firmware have different URL handling.

On an Axis 2400 video server use:
/cgi-bin/[hugesize, fullsize, halfsize].jpg?camera=[1, 2, 3, 4]

Also, here's a link to Axis HTTP API: ... tp_api.htm
It has the latest documentation.

Good luck!
Jose Rodriguez