Hi all
i want share my experience on Ubiquiti IP Camera (AirCam) with Zoneminder and also report my test on AirVision-NVR Software (Fork of Zonemider...).
The Camera work very nice on ZM at low and High Res...
An extra of my post on Ubiquiti Forum (http://www.ubnt.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43534)
So as i can see the NVR part is based on ZoneMinder so i have make a test using Zoneminder 1.25.0. I have connect the Aircam using as "Source Type" ffmepg on ZM and "Source Path" the URL of AirCam (rtsp://x.x.x.x:554/live/ch02_0) and works fine without so much CPU usage!!!
Many thanks to all
I hope someone wants update ZM Wiki and this IP Camera