I have a new Zoneminder installation running on Ubuntu Server 11.10. The ZM version is 1.24.4 installed from a deb package.
ZM doesn't seem to be saving analysis images, even though CREATE_ANALYSIS_IMAGES is checked in the Config options. In my previous setup running under Ubuntu Server 10.04, I had patched zmfilter.pl to include the *analyse.jpg image along with the alarm frame when it sent me an event email. Now, I can't seem to find *analyse.jpg images at all. Also, when I look at an event's Stills it shows the alarm frames outlined in red but doesn't outline the pixels that changed. I've gone through all of the log files but can't seem to find anything obviously wrong. This is probably something stupid that I've missed but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any advice? Am I missing a setting somewhere?
No analysis images being saved
Re: No analysis images being saved
Replying to my own post. I have been doing some more debugging. I've found that analysis images (with the changes outlined in red) get saved if the zone they occurred in has Alarm Check Method = Blob but not if Alarm Check Method = Alarmed Pixels. Is this the correct behavior? Why wouldn't analysis images for Alarmed Pixel zones make sense too?
Re: No analysis images being saved
From the wiki:
From the wiki:
Blobs uses a more sophisticated analysis which is designed to aggregate alarmed pixels into continuous groups, or ‘blobs’. Blob analysis default, however this method takes slightly longer and so if you find that one of the other methods works just as well for you and you wish to maximise performance you can opt for that instead. Some of the more useful alarm related features such as highlighted analysis images are only available with the ‘Blob’ setting.
Re: No analysis images being saved
I wonder how I missed that. I searched just about everything I could find before posting. Well, thanks for pointing it out.