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Hardware do this?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:33 am
by Inssomniak
I have an old PC lying around and want to monitor 2 IP cameras and modetect a third IP camera (or just full time record if it is less CPU intensive)

P4 1.6 with 256 Meg's of ram, 160 gig drive

Think it could do it?

Re: Hardware do this?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:01 pm
by eracc
I would not try to use IP based cameras with so little RAM. Plus you might need to limit frame rates and image sizes to keep from overloading the CPU. The minimum CPU and RAM I will install these days in a ZM system for 3 IP cameras is dual-core 2.x GHz with 2 GB RAM. Your system could probably handle 2 to 3 analog cameras just fine though.