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How do I setup ZM to convert events to video automatically?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:02 pm
by Morantz
I'm needing to retain video from my cams for as long as possible.

I did a convert of one of my events from jpg's to swf and notices about an 6 to 1 space reduction. (97MB down to 17MB for the SWF file.)

Everything I've read is great for manually doing this, but I need something more automatic. Is this being done somewhere via an addon or somehow in ZM that I am just missing?

Any assistance appreciated!

Re: How do I setup ZM to convert events to video automatical

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:44 am
by nightcrawler
read my post in user contributions : ... =9&t=18291
It's running almost 6 months now and makes an video from every event within the last 24 hours.
It has also an feature to make an drive map from YEAR/MONTH and deleting very old videos.