Running under Ubuntu 11.10, installed from ubuntu repositories. Initially tried example to post x10 events to Zoneminder to toggle modect/nodect for given monitors with no recognition of signals.
Testing with triggers enabled under 'options', and confirming is running via pgrep:
Opening a tcp channel to the daemon via nc 6802 and sending a test record yeilds the following in zmtrigger.log:
02/27/12 10:57:11.969607 zmtrigger[17468].INF [Trigger daemon starting]
02/27/12 10:57:11.971629 zmtrigger[17468].INF [Opening connection 'Chan1']
02/27/12 10:57:12.223129 zmtrigger[17468].ERR [Shared data size conflict in shared_data for monitor twag-hp, expected 328, got 316]
02/27/12 10:57:12.223383 zmtrigger[17468].ERR [Shared data size conflict in shared_data for monitor Tiki-Cam, expected 328, got 316]
02/27/12 10:57:12.223770 zmtrigger[17468].ERR [Shared data size conflict in shared_data for monitor Rosanne_Chat, expected 328, got 316]
02/27/12 11:01:29.793188 zmtrigger[17468].WAR [Can't find monitor '1' for message '1|on|20|Test Msg|Test|test']
Monitor 1 does exist, and is running and enabled. I've tried substituting its name 'hp-twag' but get the same WAR.
The 'shared data size' conflict ERR messages are probably related, but I'd really like some expert advice before chasing off into the source code. Hopefully this is a known issue with a quick, high level fix.
Thanks for any light you can shed... Can't find monitor
Re: Can't find monitor
This issue is probably caused by having your monitor function set to something other than Modect, Mocord or Nodect. The select statement in the script only selects monitors with any of the three functions. If you monitor is set to the monitor function, the select satement will not "select" it and it will tell you that the name was not found.Monitor 1 does exist, and is running and enabled. I've tried substituting its name 'hp-twag' but get the same WAR.
Set your monitor function to Modect, Mocord or Nodect and it will resolve the above problem.