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Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:01 am
by BobS0327
I have executed the following command "1|on+30|5|test|test1|test2|"

I assumed the showtext parm "test2" would appear somewhere on the image. I checked the image and it was nowhere to be found.

My zmtrigger.log only has the following entries and just freezes. I have to Ctrl C to terminate
04/30/2012 20:45:41.826590 zmtrigger[1497].INF [Trigger daemon starting]
04/30/2012 20:45:41.828741 zmtrigger[1497].INF [Opening connection 'Chan1']
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Well, I used telnet and made some additional progress. My log is as follows"

04/30/12 21:22:16.305892 zmtrigger[2647].WAR [Can't find monitor '5' for message '5|on+30|10|test1|test2|test3']
04/30/12 21:23:52.058024 zmtrigger[2647].WAR [Can't find monitor 'Front-Porch' for message 'Front-Porch|on+30|10|test1|test2|test3']
Front-Porch is the name of monitor # 5

Why can't it find the Front-Porch monitor?


I made the following change to the script and I also changed my camera function to modetect

Code: Select all

push( @connections, ZoneMinder::Trigger::Connection->new( name=>"Chan0", channel=>ZoneMinder::Trigger::Channel::Inet->new( port=>6802 ), mode=>"rw" ) );
I changed name from Chan1 to Chan0 to match the device channel found in the source option of the web page.

I also had to change the function to modetect because the script does not search for monitor. Thus, the reason the camera was not found.