I just deleted the PurgeWhenFull filter thinking it could be re-made using the filter options. I guess I was wrong. The PurgeWhenFull filter also took most of the options with it and it can't be remade.
I put back the database entry but when I try to use the filter, I get an error, "Unable to decode JSON string '', syntax error. There must have been a script associated with it that is borked or missing.
Any ideas how to replace the necessary items that control the filters?
deleted purge filter [solved]
Re: deleted purge filter [solved]
Never underestimate the difference between "restart" and a combination "stop" and then "start". I did. After reinstalling the data base table Filters, restarting zoneminder, restarting the database, restarting Apache, it didn't work. Finally after a couple of wasted hours, I did a full stop of zoneminder, then start, and the PurgeWhenFull filter and all the other options returned to the original state.
go figure....
go figure....