Just installed Zoneminder from the Ubuntu 12.04 package version 1.25. For whatever reason, Chrome/Safari/Firefox Javascript is complaining that there is no "Object.clone" function in skin.js when I try to add a monitor. What is odd is that when I installed previously with source, it didn't have this problem and the skin.js files are identical. Is something not getting loaded? I can't find the Object.clone function defined anywhere.
Thank you in advance.
Object.clone javascript not working?
Re: Object.clone javascript not working?
Found the problem.
Zoneminder refers to mootools files under /javascript, which translates to /usr/share/zoneminder/javascript, when Ubuntu/Debian actually installs these into /usr/share/javascript. Putting an alias into your webserver config for /javascript -> /usr/share/javascript will fix the problem. Make sure your browser caches are flushed, otherwise it may not load the proper files again.
Zoneminder refers to mootools files under /javascript, which translates to /usr/share/zoneminder/javascript, when Ubuntu/Debian actually installs these into /usr/share/javascript. Putting an alias into your webserver config for /javascript -> /usr/share/javascript will fix the problem. Make sure your browser caches are flushed, otherwise it may not load the proper files again.
Re: Object.clone javascript not working?
Thanks, that solved my problem.
The installation of ZM is a hell
The installation of ZM is a hell