How to fix an "unrepairable" table?
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:15 pm
ZM server has been fine for over a year. Had some power outages, and now possible disk corruption. ZM still running in "monitor" mode but recorded events are inaccessible.
ran mysql repair with this outcome:
Apparently cannot repair the Frames table. Suggestion? Can you drop/create individual tables or just all the events and associated data tables?
ZM server has been fine for over a year. Had some power outages, and now possible disk corruption. ZM still running in "monitor" mode but recorded events are inaccessible.
ran mysql repair with this outcome:
Code: Select all
zm.Config OK
zm.ControlPresets OK
zm.Controls OK
zm.Devices OK
zm.Events OK
zm.Filters OK
Error : Incorrect file format 'Frames'
error : Corrupt
zm.Groups OK
zm.MonitorPresets OK
zm.Monitors OK
zm.States OK
zm.Stats OK
zm.TriggersX10 OK
zm.Users OK
zm.ZonePresets OK
zm.Zones OK
Repairing tables
Error : Incorrect file format 'Frames'
error : Corrupt