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Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:34 pm
by Jethro_uk
Purchased a no-name wireless IP camera via Amazon. Connecting to it directly, it works 100%, via IE with an ActiveX. It reports the following, and appears to be a "netwave"

Code: Select all

 Device Firmware Version 
 Device Embeded Web UI Version 

Trying to access it via .cgi files is OK. videostream.cgi&user=user&pwd=pwd&resolution=32 works perfectly in ZM

Trying to access any other .cgi, as listed in the ipcamcgisdk21.pdf will only work from IE. However, they all seem to work.

I got them to work in Chrome, when I spoof the user-agent to be IE8. So I know the camera is quite happy to listen to commands.

Having read the documentation, I finally decided to try and create a control module, based on the guide.

I created the .pm file, and followed the guide to setting up via ZM. All well so far. I decided to call the camera "IPCam" and made sure case is consistent throughout. I also know to "killall -9"

However, when I try to control the camera, I get this, in the logfile:

Code: Select all

Sep 18 16:16:53 LucidFileserver zmcontrol[32092]: INF [Starting control server 1/IPCam]
Sep 18 16:16:53 lll zmcontrol[32093]: INF [Control server 1/IPCam starting at 12/09/18 16:16:53]
Sep 18 16:17:03 lll zmcontrol[32092]: FAT [Can't connect: Connection refused]
Firing up Wireshark doesn't seem to show anything obvious between Server and camera - just a load of ACKs.

I have put user=xxx&pwd=xxx in the "Control Device" field on the Control tab.

So, 2 questions, although hopefully an answer to the first will negate the need for the second !

1) Can anyone suggest what the problem is, and a fix


2) What more can I do to provide diagnostic information. I tried editing to up the DEBUG level, but it didn't return any more than I have posted.

Apart from that, ZM is great - very smart.

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:15 pm
by Jethro_uk
Brief update.

I can control the camera from Chrome, if I sign in using the "manual settings" and choose either "server push" OR "server refresh" option.

Now to dig out Fiddler and see what's going on.

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:24 pm
by Jethro_uk
Another update ... it seems the IE8 user-agent is a red herring. For some reason I can get it to work from Chrome now, without fiddling with the user-agent ....

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:46 pm
by Jethro_uk
OK, final update.

I *think* the problem is simply that ZM isn't connecting to the camera to control it.

I get the same errors, irrespective of WHAT I put in "device address". Which seems to imply that either that field isn't being updated properly (although it seems to save OK). Or that there's something I need to do to force a change in parameters.

Anyone ?

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:09 pm
by Jethro_uk

I turned debug up to 9, and looked in the logs. I was intrigued to discover the following line:

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09/18/12 19:02:23.118936 zmfix[22900].ERR-zmfix.cpp/40 [Can't stat No such file or directory]
now is the "control address" I set in the "Control" tab. And sure enough, when I changed it to "fubar" I got this error:

Code: Select all

09/18/12 19:08:03.313136 zmfix[22900].ERR-zmfix.cpp/40 [Can't stat fubar: No such file or directory]
So, before I go any further, can anyone suggest why zmfix.cpp is trying to open "control address" as a file ?

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:28 pm
by Jethro_uk

have looked into zmfix.cpp, and it's trying to do this:

Code: Select all

select distinct Device from Monitors where not isnull(Device) and Type = 'Local'
and then fixDevice() the results.

Clearly *something* is borked, as the record in the database has "http" for 'Device' and "Remote" for 'Type'.

Anyone ?

Re: Trying to get control working on no-name camera

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:50 pm
by Jethro_uk
OMK, fixed the zmfix.cpp error.

Am now back to getting "file or directory" not found from

Anyone ?