First of all apologize for my English.
I have Ubuntu 12.04 and ZoneMinder 1.25 installed with this tutorial ... e_easy_way
The filters seem to not work properly. besides the filter purge when full, I have set the filter to events over 15 days are removed, but it has never worked well, because zoneminder was removing events, to be without one.
Now when I enter the ZoneMinder site puts this,
Can I recover or repair zm or i have to reinstall?Can't write log entry 'insert into Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( 1349189359.800799, 'web_php', 7779, -3, 'FAT', 'SQL-ERR \'Table \'./zm/Logs\' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed\', statement was \'select Level, count(Level) as LevelCount from Logs where Level < 0 and from_unixtime(TimeKey) + interval 900 second > now() group by Level order by Level asc\'', '/usr/share/zoneminder/includes/database.php', 78 )': Table './zm/Logs' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
If I have to reinstall, I can recover the cam settings?