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Strange stuff

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:20 am
by karlg
Last night ZM caught <a target="zmvid" href="">THIS</a> 5 second event. WTF!

Creapy stuff. Anyone else got any strange video/events?

Re: Strange stuff

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:31 am
by fernando

you dont have any idea what that is... maybe your alien pet pass truth,.

is very extrange. semms a light or something very reflective or a blast in some electrical apliance. your camera have 4 mm lense or 6mm?

very good video.

Re: Strange stuff

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:47 am
by karlg
It's has a 6mm lense. (dlink dcs-900w) There are no apliances near the camera, except an ir immitter mounted next to the camera (which is the source of light i'm sure). After reviewing the video a few times, the only thing we can think of is some kind of animal maybe climbing down from the roof and the IR bouncing off it's fur or something... but the camera doesn't shake, and it's a good 35-40 feet from the roof to the ground and the camera sticks out about 1.5-2 feet from the side of the house.... so who knows. :)

i'm really curious if anyone else has strage video to share...