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zm 1.25 does not start correctly and does not show load

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:09 am
by sipi
Hi, I tried latest 1.25 from opensuse repo and I have some problem on opensuse 12.1 x86_64.

1st. zm does not show system (cpu?) load in upper right corner but shows disk usage.

2nd. zm can't start correctly: if I start it systemctl or from init.d then status info shows it runs but zm console shows it does not run... If I start zm from zm console then it can start. If I setup in Yast or systemctl that zm starts on boot it does not work I need start it manually by zm console....

Do you have some advice or help? Thanks.

Re: zm 1.25 does not start correctly and does not show load

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:15 pm
by sipi
I could to fix that zm 1.25 can show system load. Thanks Monex by your help. He is the opensuse zoneminder rpms maintainer/creater.

He advised that I change includes/functions.php on zm webdir. Here his advice:

"It is because the uptime
command now is localized and the webfrontend looks out for the keyword
'average' but when you type uptime there is something different
displayed depending on your language settings. As a workaround edit:
includes/functions.php line 2436 and change:
$uptime = shell_exec( 'uptime' );
$uptime = shell_exec( 'LC_ALL="EN_en" uptime' );

If this works for you too I will add this to the RPM."

Thanks Monex.

Re: zm 1.25 does not start correctly and does not show load

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:18 pm
by sipi
Sorry, there was an error.

The correct text is:

... LC_ALL="en_EN" ...