zma -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 11 - FIXED?

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zma -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 11 - FIXED?

Post by JRFrogman »

I ran into this problem a while back. I searched quite a few sites that claimed to have the answer to this issue. Most claim it is a memory problem and when they increase kernel.shmall and kernel.shmmax, it fixes the issue. It didn't work for me.

I found the docs on setting the debug level and used that. After looking in the log files, the place where I was getting this error and zma was crashing I found an error for a non existent linked monitor. It made sense. There were others who claimed to make this error go away by deleting all their monitors and then re adding them.

In my case I have two cameras, lets say A and B, and I created two monitors for these cameras, 1 and 2 respectively. Since I am a beginner I think monitor 1 is set up wrong so I delete it. Monitor 2 is still linked to monitor 1. I create a new monitor for camera A with the same name as monitor one but the system assigns a new number to this new monitor. So now camera A is monitor 3.

As long as these monitors are in Monitor Mode, everything is fine. I change monitor 3 to Modect and things are still fine. I do some motion test in front of camera A and it works.

Now I change monitor 2 to Modect and things get ugly. monitor 2 never detects any motion even though it seems to be set up exactly like monitor 3. I check the log files and I keep seeing "zma -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 11" and something about "Got signal 11 (Segmentation fault), crashing".

So it seems that once you delete a monitor that has been linked to another monitor, you need a way to delete or change that bad link without having to delete all monitors just to get rid of a bad link. Then again, I could be completely wrong about this issue and my fix was just a coincident when something else actually got fixed. JMHO. :D
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Re: zma -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 11 - FIXED?

Post by maulei »

Yes, you are right!

I ran into exactly the same problem but after I unlinked the camera (by Ctrl-left click the link), the crash stopped instantly. They are working normally now.

Thank you so much!