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All events vs gapless events

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:01 am
by therealjrd
Hi ZM wizards. Relatively new to ZM, so apologies ahead of time if this has been discussed elsewhere; I looked around but didn't find it.

I've recently installed 1.25 and set up several monitors with some foscam FI8918W cams. Most stuff works quite well (thanks!) but I'm confused about replay mode. When I look on the front page, and see, for instance, some events in the last hour for each monitor, and a total at the bottom, I can click on the total and get the events window with the relevant events in time order. But when I click on the first event, it replays only the events for that monitor. I would have expected it to play the events from all monitors, ie the ones which the events window is showing me. Am I missing something?

Separate question: Whether I choose events from a particular monitor, or all of them, if I select all events, it seems to replay the first one, then stop, saying N seconds to the next event. If I click on the "next event" icon, it appears to be a no-op. If instead of all events I select gapless events. it replays them all. Again, am I missing something?

Thanks in advance...