zmstreamer with mjpg support binary?

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zmstreamer with mjpg support binary?

Post by CKrypto »

Hello all,

Long story short, it appears that the "official" Fedora rpm builds of Zoneminder don't include support for MJPG streaming in zmstreamer. I spent most of yesterday trying to compile from source, but have run into issues (I think it has to do with the zoneminder build using deprecated functions in ffmpeg, so if you have any info on that, it would be helpful).

My goal is to get eyeZm working with x264 streaming and the zmstreamer without MJPG support seems to be my roadblock.

Anyway, I was hoping to take the easy way out and see if anyone had successfully compiled zmstreamer on Fedora or CentOS x86_64 and wouldn't mind sharing it with me. Otherwise, does anyone know of a workaround for this problem? Is it possible to convert the stream in eyeZm to x264 using another stream from zmstreamer(raw, asf, etc.)?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
