Zoneminder v1.25.0 and lighttpd - can it be made to work?

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Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:12 pm

Zoneminder v1.25.0 and lighttpd - can it be made to work?

Post by paulbuk »

Hi all. On Ubuntu 12.10 with the apt-get installation of ZM, I am able to get ZM to work well with Apache. But as I have been running lighttpd for many years, I have been trying to get ZM to work with lighttpd. Everything seems to work (zone detection, recording of the stream to the ZM directories etc), other then being able to view the stream in my browser (Chrome). I have not been able to find a solution after many hours of searching.

Initially I was getting an exception in the window where the stream should appear. This was resolved when I correctly set up the alias to the cgi-bin for lighttpd:

Code: Select all

alias.url += (
 "/zm" => "/usr/share/zoneminder/"

alias.url += (
 "/cgi-bin" => "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
Now, instead of getting the exception where the stream should appear I get the words "No part content here". This is an error that can be found in the cambozola source of /shared/

Code: Select all

ctype = (String) headers.get("content-type");
if (ctype == null) {
throw new Exception("No part content type");
If have tried both nph-zms and zms but the same error is generated

So it seems that the stream is making it all the way to cambozola but then failing with some problem in the headers. With apache as the web server it is fine so there must be a lighttpd setting that needs to be tweaked.

Any ideas or has anyone been able to get ZM and lighttpd to work 100% on Ubuntu.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:12 pm

Re: Zoneminder v1.25.0 and lighttpd - can it be made to work

Post by paulbuk »

Solved - The reason lighttpd would not work was that fast-cgi was not processing the call to the streamer cgi (zms or nph-zms) as a cgi request. After enabling the cgi module:

Code: Select all

lighttpd-enable-mod cgi
and restarting lighttpd

Code: Select all

/etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload
the video stream display fine for both the monitor and events functions.