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Backup ZM settings

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:53 pm
by Imagineer
Hello there,

I've set up a ZM server to see how it works and get more familiar with it. I've tweaked several settings for each camera as well as more general settings that affect all cams, mostly by trial and error and reading stuff on the internet.
So far I'm quite happy with my setup but as my whole installation was meant to only be temporary and last at most a few months, I'll need to reinstall a complete system along with ZM on a new and dedicated machine soon.
Since I spent a fair amount of time to eventually get something functional, balanced between a low enough CPU load but still providing satisfying picture quality (bandwidth come into play too whenever I want to view cams remotely, as I have an upload speed of only 1 Mb/s), I wonder how I could backup everything that is specific to ZM? (I don't care about events/alerts, I can discard them as it was only for experimental purposes so far).

Apparently from what I've understood, many settings are stored in the MySQL database, but perhaps someone could be a bit more specific about that? (like the databases' names, etc ) (I'm rather a newbie regarding linux and databases - especially exporting or importing DB - in general)
Also is there any other config file that is not saved in the MySQL database? When I perform a locate/find command, I retrieve many files with either 'zm' or 'ZoneMinder' in many different folders but I'm not sure how much they are relevant for a backup!? (and anyways it doesn't seem like a good way to perform a backup, but at least I tried something :p)

If you need further details, do not hesitate to ask me.
Any input will be greatly appreciated, thank you !

Re: Backup ZM settings

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:26 am
by PacoLM

Install phpmyadmin, log in, select the zm database and export to a file. I do this every month, with all tables except logs, events, frames and stats, so I keep an updated copy of my zm configuration.

Hope it helps,


Re: Backup ZM settings

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:37 pm
by Imagineer
Thank you PacoLM for your answer, I'll try this as soon as I can (first I need to fix a network card issue on the new machine, it has an IPv6 address at the moment and I have no idea how to change it back to IPv4, but i'll look into it when I got some time).
Since I have webmin already installed on the PC, I guess I can use it to backup the database? The format should be independent from the tool that has been used to save the DB I imagine.