Add support for Debian's libav's avconv / FFMPEG

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Add support for Debian's libav's avconv / FFMPEG

Post by gjdunga »

The following is more of a political battle between FFMPEG and Debian, but it seems zoneminder is in the middle.

Debian and Ubuntu have moved to the libav fork and are forcing their hand upon their 'dist' of avconv AKA ffmpeg.

Rather than calling their version 'DebMPEG', or using differently named libraries, they chose to use hijack FFMPEG, and having the debian / ubuntu distro use the libav libs.

In doing so it totally fubars the standard media libraries and functions for our nice flavor of FFMPEG Standard.

This does a number on zoneminder, as well as trying to compile a nice clean version of FFMPEG "standard".
Few if any of the functions are named or work the same in the libav fork. (Nice of them huh!)

It may be required that zoneminder builds a standard version of ffmpeg and the *ALL* of the libraries in a different prefix , or possibly attempt to patch zoneminder to see this nonsense and act accordingly.

Let me repeat. The Libav and FFmpeg one gets with Wheezy is not cannon ffmpeg, but infact a libav fork.
The libav fork version hijacks the ffmpeg command and prints the following at the bottom of it's version info

Code: Select all

This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.

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