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Camera keeps going red from orange. How to track down?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:09 pm
by bs27975
I add a new camera (TrendnetTV-IP751WIC) and all is well.

Then some time later, it goes red. (While I'm away from things.)

How do I go about sleuthing down what's happening? i.e. Pointers to appropriate troubleshooting links, please?

Loaded the camera Friday (it's Tuesday now), was working fine until Sunday when I made a bunch of changes (noted in another thread). Didn't notice until Monday that along the way the camera went red.

I re-added the camera again yesterday (Monday) [no other changes], seemed a happy monitor (orange) and within the day it went red again.

The camera specific change I believe I made at the time (now making at / sooner after add) is to increase the motion sensitivity and make the motion detection area less than 100%.

Camera plays fine in browser (http://ip:port/video/mjpg.cgi) - don't see anything in wiki for how to play an url in kmplayer or xine (tips appreciated).

I would prefer to sleuth out what's going on, but if that's not possible ... how do I move events, after the fact, from one monitor to the new one?

Thanks for your patience, and any tips / links.