Raspberry Pi Cam module Streaming RTSP h264 video to ZM
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:25 am
This is a little tutorial on how to use a Raspbery Pi with camera module
as an input for Zoneminder on a Linuxbox.
This is only a tutorial on what i researched and collected from
Internet at so many different pages that brought me to this goal,
it took my very long to find a acceptable solution to archive this.
This solution is working for me and hopefully usefull for others too,
Before i tried different things like running Zoneminder on the RaspberryPi without real success.
In my first attemps i tryed to stream over vlc with 25fps but then my Zoneminder used ~30-40% CPU per stream!!!
and i couldn't get vlc running stable with lower framerate, and also the delay was 3 to 5 seconds!!!
Other solution like mjpegstreamer, gstreamer, uv4l, etc didn't work to my expects.
I use raspivid -> ffmpeg -> ffserver ----->>>>> ffmepg -> Zoneminder.
It streams the video at 5fps with a resolution at 640x360, both can be
increased if you have a powerfull Linuxbox where Zoneminder is running.
You need
o) Raspberry Pi preferable Model B
o) Raspberry Picam module
o) A Pi-case or a dummy-camera-case
o) SD-Card
o) Raspbian installed on the SD card
o) Zoneminder compiled with self compiled ffmpeg
Enable Camera Module with
make a complete upgrade of raspbian and install additional packages
I reccomend putting the ffmpeg tempfile on ram instead of sdcard by adding following
mount tempfs in ram
create downloaddir or change to your own
download ffmpeg from git repository, don't use ffmpeg from the Raspbian packages it has no support for x264
configure ffmpeg and enable x264 (MPEG-4 AVC)
the following step will take very long on the pi up to 3 hours, alternatively you can crosscompile
on another linux but this is out of the scope of this post
create a file with
and paste this:
you can adjust it to your needs especialy the
No we should be ready for the first test
start the ffstream program and put it in background
now start the raspivid to stream with ffmpeg to ffserver
you should now be able to use vlc to try to get the stream
Explanation of the parameters:
For Zoneminder on the Linuxbox i used the "mastertheknif-ZoneMinder-kfir-0ef2974" sources
and a special version (N-35287-g7076967) of ffmpeg
(I don't remember why i had do choose this version i found it on one Internet-Page
mybe you can also ue the lastest git version)
first install the libx264-dev library
then create a dir and download the ffmpeg
download mastertheknif-ZoneMinder-kfir-0ef2974 and unzip it
Follow instructions on the original thread uder section 5. Installation
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... it=0ef2974
For me this config line worked
If you also have issues with zmfilter exiting with error code 9 you could try ./config with following additional option,
this worket for me as workaround but makes Zoneminder slower.
Once Zoneminder ist up and running you can add a new Monitor
All other settings are default one's.
After switching to at least "Monitor" or "Modect" you should be able to see the stream in Zoneminder.
I hope i could help someone with this tutorial, if someone has questions i will try to answer them.
as an input for Zoneminder on a Linuxbox.
This is only a tutorial on what i researched and collected from
Internet at so many different pages that brought me to this goal,
it took my very long to find a acceptable solution to archive this.
This solution is working for me and hopefully usefull for others too,
Before i tried different things like running Zoneminder on the RaspberryPi without real success.
In my first attemps i tryed to stream over vlc with 25fps but then my Zoneminder used ~30-40% CPU per stream!!!
and i couldn't get vlc running stable with lower framerate, and also the delay was 3 to 5 seconds!!!
Other solution like mjpegstreamer, gstreamer, uv4l, etc didn't work to my expects.
I use raspivid -> ffmpeg -> ffserver ----->>>>> ffmepg -> Zoneminder.
It streams the video at 5fps with a resolution at 640x360, both can be
increased if you have a powerfull Linuxbox where Zoneminder is running.
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+++ The Pi is running at ~5% CPU usage wich is realy low.
+++ Zoneminder on my Linuxbox uses arround ~5-10% more CPU per stream
+++ The picture quality is really good, much better then all my Analog cameras
+++ The delay from the Picture to Zoneminder is at acceptable ~1 second
+++ Raspberry Pi + Camera module costs ~60€ wich is less then most Cameras
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--- The setup is very complex and takes much time
--- If the connection between the Pi and the Zoneminder gets lost,
it takes serveral time until it functions again.
--- The PiCam is not very good at lowlight condition
o) Raspberry Pi preferable Model B
o) Raspberry Picam module
o) A Pi-case or a dummy-camera-case
o) SD-Card
o) Raspbian installed on the SD card
o) Zoneminder compiled with self compiled ffmpeg
Enable Camera Module with
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sudo raspi-config -> 5 Enable Camera -> Enable -> Finish -> reboot
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sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libx264-dev git
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sudo mkdir /tmp2
sudo nano /etc/fstab
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tmpfs /tmp2 tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
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mount /tmp2
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mkdir ~/download
cd ~/download
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git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
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cd ffmpeg
./configure --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl
on another linux but this is out of the scope of this post
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sudo make install
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nano /etc/ffserver.conf
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Port 8554
MaxHTTPConnections 2000
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 100000
CustomLog -
RTSPPort 5454
<Feed feed1.ffm>
File /tmp2/feed1.ffm
FileMaxSize 2000K
ACL allow
ACL allow
<Stream pi.sdp>
Format rtp
Feed feed1.ffm
<Stream stat.html>
Format status
ACL allow localhost
ACL allow
<Redirect index.html>
URL http://www.ffmpeg.org/
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Port # the port for the strem from ffmpeg to ffserver
BindAddr # IP for the strem from ffmpeg to ffserver
RTSPPort # Port for the RTSP stream
RTSPBindAddress # IP for the RTSP stream
Feed # the input feed for ffmpeg to stream to
Stream # the RTSP Stream
ACL allow # change to your IP address range
start the ffstream program and put it in background
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ffstream &
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raspivid -b 5000000 -ex night -mm average -op 150 -t 999999999 -w 640 -h 360 -fps 5 -o - |ffmpeg -v verbose -i - -flags +global_header -vcodec copy -r 5 -an
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vlc rtsp://<raspberrypiaddr>:5454/pi.sdp
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raspivid # used to captures the video from the Raspbery Picam
-b 50000000 # is the bitrate
-ex night # better for lowligt condition
-mm average # how to measure the ligt
-awb off # the picture looks mor natural
-op 150 # transparent preview on the console (over HDMI)
-t 999999999 # time for the video -t -1 doesn't function in all versions of raspivid so use a very high value in ms
-w 640 # width
-h 260 # high
-fps 5 # frames/S
-o - # output to standart out
|ffmpeg # pipe to ffmpeg used to stream the raspivid to ffserver feed1.ffm
-v verbose # for debug
-i - # input from standart in (pipe)
-flags +global_header # !!!very important without that you will not get a picture to vlc or zoneminder!!! (
-vcodec # copy copy the videostream without translation
-r 5 # framrate of the receiving client
-an # no audio # the ffstream port and feedname specified in ffserver.conf
and a special version (N-35287-g7076967) of ffmpeg
(I don't remember why i had do choose this version i found it on one Internet-Page
mybe you can also ue the lastest git version)
first install the libx264-dev library
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apt-get install libx264-dev
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mkdir ~/download
cd ~/download
git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg
git checkout N-35287-g7076967
./configure --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl
make install
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wget http://github.com/mastertheknife/ZoneMinder-kfir/tarball/perfpatch
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... it=0ef2974
For me this config line worked
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./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/zoneminder --with-cgidir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/ --with-webuser=www-data --with-webgroup=www-data \
--with-extralibs=-ldts ZM_DB_PASS=<zmpw> ZM_DB_USER=<zmuser> CXXFLAGS=-D__S --with-ffmpeg=~/download/ffmpeg
this worket for me as workaround but makes Zoneminder slower.
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Source Type -> Ffmpeg
Source Path -> rtsp://<raspberrypiaddr>:5454/pi.sdp
Target Colorspace -> 24 bit color
Capture Width -> 640 #according to your stream
Capture Height -> 360 #according to your stream
After switching to at least "Monitor" or "Modect" you should be able to see the stream in Zoneminder.
I hope i could help someone with this tutorial, if someone has questions i will try to answer them.