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Unable to view Event-Videos caused by BLOBs

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:26 pm
by c4t0r

I'm havong trouble with my ZM 1.25;
I have 3 Modects running, any of them 640x480 MJPEG. One of them (FI8904W) has zones configured with blobs. When I want to view the recorded event only the Alarm-Frames are shown and the playback "pauses" for the rest of the event-duration. When I change the zones to AlarmedPixels or FilteredPixels it works fine.
The Event-Framelist shows the alarm frames on top of the list!? (alarm set to "at least 2 frames")
Frames caused by blob
Frames caused by blob
blobframes.jpg (140.56 KiB) Viewed 1066 times
The other monitor's events are viewable without any problems and I don't get any errors while causing this problem.
Anyone with similar problems or even maybe a clue?
