Temporary non-available filesystem triggering mass deletes

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Temporary non-available filesystem triggering mass deletes

Post by MJN »


My existing ZM setup at home stores events on an internal HDD and has a filter running periodically to upload possible 'events of interest' off site. This arrangement was put in place in the hope that if someone breaks in and steals the server I might hopefully have some evidence offsite to go on. However, the filter process is not quite realtime - nor of course is the actual upload which is limited by my Internet connection.

So I decided that an external HDD, hidden away, would be a good idea so that if the server gets stolen and all the cables tugged out of the back in a rush the external HDD would hopefully remain with all the evidence on it.

The external HDD is running over eSATA and I appear to be having some controller issues with it - that's one for another forum - but the relevance to ZM is that when the disk 'disappeared' temporarily as a result of these issues ZM appears to have concluded that all the events must have been deleted from the disk, e.g:

Code: Select all

Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230693 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230689 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230688 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230687 does not point to valid target]
When seeing this in the log I assumed it had deleted the relevant events from the database and had a horrible feeling that once the disk was back online then these deletions from the database would in turn cause the disk events to actually be deleted (due to zmaudit's role of cleaning up after OPT_FAST_DELETE)... However, the events weren't deleted from the database at all and so the disk events were left intact!

I am wondering therefore what the above log entries actually mean? I understand the 'does not point to valid target' bit but the 'INF [deleting]' didn't appear to have actually done anything? I'm glad it didn't of course but I'd still be keen to get to the bottom of it.
