The steps outlined in this post are now depreciated in favor of the newly developed zmrepo repository.
Instructions for the new repository have been placed in the WiKi: ... ed_distros
For those that have previously used the method described below, I will post instructions on how to migrate to zmrepo following the next release of zoneminder.
IMPORTANT: You must follow ALL of the instructions below BEFORE you install the zoneminder rpm.
These zoneminder rpms will not install or work properly if you do not first set up your system according to what is stated under prerequisites!
UPDATE MAR 16, 2014
Zoneminder 1.27.0 released!
The zmfix utility is obsolete and has been removed from zoneminder.
Zoneminder 1.27 for Fedora 20
Note, there remains an issue with these RPM's and the latest version of gnutls. Refer to the troubleshooting section below to downgrade gnutls.
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc20.src.rpm
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc20.x86_64.rpm
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc20.i686.rpm
Note, these are the last RPM's I will build for Fedora 19.
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc19.src.rpm
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc19.x86_64.rpm
- zoneminder-1.27.0-1.fc19.i686.rpm
Please report any package related issues to this thread and report any other issues to the ZoneMinder 1.26 forum.
Background & Prerequisites
Fedora currently has zoneminder rpms, up to version 1.25, in their repository. Note that the rpms in the Fedora repo have ffmpeg support removed from them. However, the rpms provided here not only are newer but have ffmpeg support added.
Before you can install any of the ZoneMinder rpm's, you must add the following prerequisites.
- RPMFusion repository
- perl-X10-0.03-1.noarch.rpm
- perl-Astro-SunTime-0.01-1.noarch.rpm
- perl-Sys-Mmap-0.14-12.fc19.x86_64.rpm
- perl-Sys-Mmap-0.14-12.fc19.i686.rpm
See issue 295 on github:
Follow these steps to install the ZoneMinder RPM for Fedora:
- Add the RPM Fusion repository listed under Prerequisites to your system
- Manually download and install the perl modules listed under Prerequisites. Yes, you have to install every one of these even if you aren't planning to use x10.
Code: Select all
sudo yum install perl-X10-0.03-1.noarch.rpm perl-Astro-SunTime-0.01-1.noarch.rpm perl-Sys-Mmap-0.14-12.fc19.x86_64.rpm
- Install the ZoneMinder RPM.
Code: Select all
sudo yum install zoneminder-1.27.0-1.f19.x86_64.rpm
- Finish the installation by following the steps outlined in the README.Fedora file. These instructions can be found on your local hard drive under /usr/share/doc/zoneminder. The latest copy of this file can always be found here: ... DME.Fedora
Please read! The following is more of a general note. I've noticed in the forums that some of you are going off track a bit. The intent behind what I am providing here is to remove all, 100%, of the need to compile anything at all to get your zoneminder system installed and working. This includes the perl modules!
To put it another way, if you run into an issue and think you need to compile something from source or CPAN then stop! Re-read the instructions sated above and make sure you've got all the prerequisites installed properly. If you believe you have everything in order then please post to the end of this thread, and I'll take a look at it.
Until the issue with gnutls can be resolved, one must stay with these packages:
Code: Select all
[abauer@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa |grep gnutls
Code: Select all
sudo yum downgrade gnutls-c++ gnutls-devel gnutls-debuginfo gnutls-dane gnutls gnutls-utils