Problem adding new cameras

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Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:50 pm

Problem adding new cameras

Post by bysard »


I've just installed Zoneminder 1.26.4 from source on Debian 7.1.0 x64. Everything seems to work well except....
when I add 18 cameras everything works OK, but when I add 19th camera it's automatically red-coloured, zoneminder has no communication to that camera or any other above number 18. If I set all cameras that were added 18 or up on the forst Zoneminder server and add them to another, which has no cameras configured yet, they work. If on the 1st Zoneminder server I delete all cameras from 19 and above all cameras below number 18 still work ok. But if I now that I have already deleted all cameras above position 18, delete also a camera from 1-18th position and add another camera it's again automatically red. If I delete all cameras and try to add a single camera it's also automatically immediatelly red.

Log says:

2013-10-12 13:39:10.771873 zms 4931 ERR Signal address is 0x7f5b0e9f1030, from 0x4a8fec zm_signal.cpp 75
2013-10-12 13:39:10.718276 zms 4931 ERR Got signal 7 (Bus error), crashing zm_signal.cpp 53

Reboot doesn't help, only reinstall and everything works OK again untill I add 19th camera then Zoneminder starts to bug.

My HW setup:

Intel I5
2tb disk
8gb ram

I also tried to reinstall zoneminder to a Xeon server with 16 mb ram but exactly the same error happens after camera 18.

Anyone seen this? I have 40 cameras that I need to monitor over zoneminder and it seems I cannot.

Please help.


All cameras are connected as ffmpeg source from rtsp sources.
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Re: Problem adding new cameras

Post by mastertheknife »

Please check the web log. Does it contain a backtrace? If it does, please run the addr2line command displayed after the backtrace.
If there is no backtrace, please run this:

Code: Select all

addr2line -e /path/to/zmc 0x4a8fec
Please paste the output here. This is essential for determining where the crash comes from.
Kfir Itzhak.