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Mocord playback

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:43 pm
by tobylarone
Hi all,

hopefully someone can help me, I've set up a stream to MOCORD and it works fine, picks up motion and records BUT it seems as though I cannot playback any recordings! I can play back recordings made on the RECORD setting though.

I open the event, and it shows one still but it does not play when I click play.

Any thoughts?


Re: Mocord playback

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:45 pm
by mikb
tobylarone wrote:I cannot playback any recordings! I can play back recordings made on the RECORD setting though.

I open the event, and it shows one still but it does not play when I click play.
Random thought: When you see that still, are you looking at Replay: "Single Events", "All Events" or "Gapless Events", and does it make a difference to the results?

Re: Mocord playback

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:01 pm
by tobylarone

thanks for your reply. it makes no difference which of the three modes i'm under. Here are the three events I've had and the only one that will play is one that is a 'Signal' rather than a 'Motion' event. I can see the stills in a Motion event though. Weird and frustrating.

Id Name Monitor Cause Time(^) Duration Frames Alarm
Frames Total
Score Avg.
Score Max.
470 Event-470 Monitor-1 Motion 10/14 19:34:32 9.59 109 27 2424 89 98
471 Event-471 Monitor-1 Signal 10/14 20:14:35 6.52 42 1 100 100 100
472 Event-472 Monitor-1 Motion 10/14 20:31:10 15.41 137 56 4112 73 98