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TypeError: rows[i] mootools-more-nc.js

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:49 pm
by rangerbob
Debian wheezy 7 trying to get some foscam cameras I bought for the outside while ago.
Do I have to have php 5.4 will it run with my forced php 5.3 (I run things that will not work with php5.4)
It was a apt-get install zoneminder install

I had a error
Shared data size conflict in shared_data for monitor Monitor-1, expected 328, got 316.

fixed it with

edit /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/

Code: Select all

our $arch = int(3.2*length(~0));
our $arch = 32;
then I added in the edit I did on my webcam box

edit /usr/bin/
#add following line right before "my @daemons =
from this website ... f=6&t=5671

Code: Select all

$ENV{LD_PRELOAD} = '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/';
But now I am getting this in the log

2013-10-21 00:34:45.079346 web_js 3811 ERR TypeError: rows is undefined ... more-nc.js 9453

not finding a whole lot of help.

I can see
2013-10-21 00:42:17.605289 zmc_m2 4088 INF backyard: 5000 - Capturing at 9.71 fps zm_monitor.cpp 2598
so it seems to be doing something and the log link is green but My source is red (ip address of camera all the settings seem fine. I have no button to click to see the monitor if I put it into modetect I will capture frames and can view them on the events but I can not edit zones nor can I even click on the live feed monitor. there is nothing linkable. urgh anyone?

Re: TypeError: rows[i] mootools-more-nc.js

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:39 pm
by rangerbob
It has something to do with

this line 9453 rows.isDisplayed() ...

Code: Select all

                for (var i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++){
                        if (this.options.selectHiddenRows || rows[i].isDisplayed()) this[method](rows[i], true);
i will have to go through the code to get familuar with it but maybe if someone can see or know right of there head what this iis would be great.
Here it is expanded

Code: Select all

selectRange: function(startRow, endRow, _deselect){
                if (!this.options.allowMultiSelect && !_deselect) return;
                var method = _deselect ? 'deselectRow' : 'selectRow',
                        rows = Array.clone(this.body.rows);

                if (typeOf(startRow) == 'element') startRow = rows.indexOf(startRow);
                if (typeOf(endRow) == 'element') endRow = rows.indexOf(endRow);
                endRow = endRow < rows.length - 1 ? endRow : rows.length - 1;

                if (endRow < startRow){
                        var tmp = startRow;
                        startRow = endRow;
                        endRow = tmp;

                for (var i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++){
                        if (this.options.selectHiddenRows || rows[i].isDisplayed()) this[method](rows[i], true);

                return this;

        deselectRange: function(startRow, endRow){
                this.selectRange(startRow, endRow, true);

        getSelected: function(){
                return this.selectedRows;
I will spend some time on it but maybe just try the latest build..

Re: TypeError: rows[i] mootools-more-nc.js

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:49 am
by rangerbob
It i think was a php issue i reloaded into a openvz container and works good now.